Exploring BCEC-systems

(Biologically Closed Electric Circuits)

By Björn E W Nordenström, M. D., Professor Emeritus of Diagnostic Radiology, Karolinska Institut and Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Printed in Sweden by Almqvist & Wisell Tryckeri, Uppsala 1998
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From “Exploring BCEC-systems”: Foreword
by Prof George D. O’Clock, Ph.D:

When I read Dr. Björn Nordenström’s first book Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) I did not understand it. I believed in his basic premise, that the human body has an additional electrical circulatory system. This system involves the co-transport of ions and electrons that form continuous electric currents in various portions of the body. But I had a difficult time reading and understanding his first book. I read it over and over again, and I still had difficulties getting “the message”. I thought, “Maybe this material is just too complex for me.”

Then, it all came together in a flash. In a moment of inspiration I realized that my problems with understanding his book was not because it contained complex material. The real reason that I was having difficulty understanding Dr. Nordenström’s message was because — – his message is simple – – – the theory behind it is simple. My preconceived notions were the source of the complexity that I had imagined. All I had to do was toss out a few preconceived notions, ignore some of my previous training in biomedical sciences and use a conceptual model that is not much more complicated than the electrical circuits involved with an automobile battery. Dr. Nordenström has a unique talent of observing seemingly complex phenomena, questioning the meaning of the phenomena and describing the theory behind that phenomena in relatively simple terms.

Dr. Nordenström sees what others do not see or recognize as being significant. Next to him, I feel like a blind man. Where others see blips and artifacts on a cancer patients’s radiograph, Dr. Nordenström sees movement of water and material. He sees (and measures) electric potentials between a tumor and healthy tissue. He, then, proposes a theory of Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC). From this theory, he develops electrotherapeutic techniques to treat cancer and other diseases. His theories are “put to the test”, and they pass with flying colors. Some will look at a colored region on a gel that has been electrically excited. Most will view the colored region as a blot of color. Dr. Nordenström sees spiralling vorteces of charged matter. Some people look into the vastness of space and see it as “empty space”. Dr. Nordenström looks at the vastness of space and sees it as being full of lifegiving energy. He views space as a vessel storing the energy resources that serve as the foundation for all living things.
Björn Nordenström has the mind of a medical doctor, scientist, engineer, poet, musician, philosopher and child who keeps asking; “Why?” He often tempers his judgements with the realization that “nothing is as it seems”. “We must rigorously test our theories.” Dr. Nordenström is a man with many questions, who is not chained
by dogma. If the dogma is clearly wrong, outdated or does not make sense; Dr Nordenström has the brilliance and courage to change that dogma or develop a new one. In doing so, he irritates those who are chained by their dogma and preconceived notions. This is a man who can have an emotional and intellectual impact on all of us if we just let him “rattle our chains”.
BCEC concepts and the electrotherapeutic techniques that are evolving from these concepts are extraordinary developments in the history of medicine. Many biomedical researchers have expressed the opinion that “If Dr. Nordenström is wrong, his work and results still provide significant motivation for us to look at biological systems in a different way.” “However, if Dr. Nordenström is right, he will have made the most significant discovery and contribution to medicine since William Harvey described blood
circulation more than 350 years ago. “There are many similarities between the research effort, approach and initial reactions to the work done by William Harvey and
Björn Nordenström. Using what was known about physiology, mathematics and physics in his time; Harvey’s experiments demonstrated that blood circulated at an unbelievably high velocity. Blood did not just “ebb and flow” as the dogma of the time maintained. Many of Harvey’s colleagues demonstrated a Stage 1 medical reaction (instant rejection coupled with anger and ridicule). But the concepts Harvey developed had enough relevance in medicine that, over a long period of time, attitudes changed; and the Stage 2 medical reaction (reluctant acceptance) began to dominate medical thinking and practice. In a similar manner, for the past 30 years, Björn Nordenström has utilized concepts in physics, mathematics, chemistry, physiology and immunology; combined with a massive amount of experimentation; to describe a system of continuous energy circulation and circulating electrical currents in living systems. Dr. Nordenström demonstrates how “circulating currents influence structure and function. These currents  participate in maintaining equilibrium and healing processes in living organisms.”  Dr. Nordenström’s
concepts of continuous energy circulation, the interrelationships between life and death; proliferation and regression, energy and matter and macroscopic and microscopic phenomena appear very clear to me.

Dr. Nordenström initially encountered a significant amount of the Stage 1 medical reaction from his colleagues. However, in a manner similar to William Harvey’s experience, Dr. Nordenström’s concepts work very well when they are applied to medical practice. Thousands of cancer patients have been successfully treated all over the world (Sweden, China, Germany, Italy, Denmark and Poland) with an electrochemical therapy (EchT) approach that was initially developed using BCEC concepts. It is just a matter of time before the Stage 2 medical reaction occurs with respect to Dr. Nordenström’s BCEC theories and the electrotherapeutic techniques derived from his BCEC concepts. To appreciate Dr. Björn Nordenström, this is the book you need to read first. Once you have finished this book, I would recommend that you read the other one authored by Dr. Nordenström, Biologically Closed Electric Circuits. But before you read either book, openyour mind and try to ignor your biases. Try to view the author as a brilliant, gentle, wise and knowledgable renaissance man who is firm in his convictions. Some would say “stubborn”. (I think the word “firm” is more appropriate). Regard
Björn Nordenström as a guide and good friend with a firm hand, who is going to take you on a very interesting adventure. The places he takes you may scare you a bit, but your guide and friend has a strong grip on your hand. He won’t let go. And when your journey is finished, you will have been given the privilege of viewing the next paradigm in biomedicine by the man who was the first to describe it in a way that it can be understood and applied. George D. O’Clock, Ph.D., Professor College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Mankato State University Mankato, MN 56002-8400 USA, May, 1998

From The American Institute of Stress; Book Review By Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P.Editor:

Exploring BCEC-systems (Biologically Closed
Electric Circuits), by Björn E. W.
Nordenström, M.D., Nordic Medical Publications Arsenalgatan 4, S-111 47 Stockholm,
Sweden,   1998, $39.00
The events leading up to this book began well over four decades ago, when the author became intrigued about the origin and composition of a “halo-like” disturbance that could occasionly be seen around lung malignancies on routine x-rays. It was never present with tumors that were benign. None of his radiological colleagues could offer an explanation for this curious phenomenon, nor did elicit much interest. Most consider it to be an artifact, but Nordenström thought it might represent some sort of energy disturbance that could provide an important clue to the nature of malignancy. He has devoted his life to exploring this ever since in a multidisplinary approach that has required innovative basic research, animal and clinical investigations. This book is a sequel to his 1983 tome Biologically Closed Electric Circuits, in which he proposed the existence of a previously unappreciated electrical circulatory system in the body. Some reviewers put this on a par with William Harvey’s
1628 treatise on the circulations of the blood, and one commented, “If he is right, he has made the most profound biomedical discovery of the century”. Subsequent events
suggest that this prophecy may not be far from the mark. Nordenström has proposed that there is a local built-up of positively charged ions following injury that creates an electrical voltage potential between opposite ions that are separated. Much as occurs in a battery, this energy can be tapped once the circuit is
closed to permit the flow of electricity between these charged areas. Based on this, he has demonstrated how specific DC microcurrents that restore ion electricity balance can be utilized to treat metastic lung cancer and other malignancies with amazing success, and his therapeutic triumphs have now been replicated by others in thousands of patients. His Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) concept has also stimulated research to explore other possible clinical ramifications, resulting in very promising picotesla stimulation approaches for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Björn Nordenström’s credentials are impeccable. He has served as Chairman of the Department of Radiology at Karolinska Institute, and President of the Nobel Assembly that selects the Nobel Laureate for Physiology or Medicine. He also pioneered the development of the balloon catheterization and needle biopsy techniques responsable for breakthrough advances in diagnosis and treatment. One can only wonder how he found the time to perform so many detailed experiments in developing his BCEC pathways theory. In this remarkable book, he has dramatically expanded this to provide a panoramic perspective of how these networks can also communicate with the external environment. This ranges from explaining why the tail of a cat acts as an antenna to detect danger and how animals keep their fur clean, to the origins of life, and the universe. Just as a cat’s tail can receive subtle energy signals, there is good reason to suspect that the thousands of acupuncture points in the body may function in a similar fashion, much like a sophisticated radar system. Acupuncture points that have been known since antiquity have been demonstrated to have electrical characteristics different from surrounding skin areas. These electrical properties can be influenced by mental processes and force fields emanating from chi gong masters, and the latter can be readily visualized using Kirlian and even conventional photography. Similar subtle energies generated internally may act in an analogous fashion. Thus, EEC waves may not simply reflect the noise of the machinery of the brain, but rather signals being sent to specialized sites in the body. Such a paradigm could help to elucidate a variety of well ackowledged but unexplained mind/body phenomena, such as placebo and nocebo effects, and the spontaneous remission of cancer and other
salubrious rewards reported in individuals with a firm faith, The basic defect in the cell is that its growth cannot be controlled, because it fails to communicate normally with its healthy neighbors. Is it possible that having a strong faith or belief generates a feeling of control, and that somehow this message filters down to cancer cells through BCEC or other pathways yet to be delineated? It is clear that thousands of year  ago, a well developed system of medicine existed
based on the premise that health depended on the circulation throughout the body of chi (Qi), a vital energy that traveled through prescribed pathways called meridians.
Illness resulted when the normal flow of chi was blocked, and such imbalances could be corrected by inserting needles (acupuncture), or applying lodestones (magnetic
fields), at specific sites where these meridians were close to the skin. Health was also impaired if the level of chi was deficient, or there was a disturbance in
th  balance of its complementary components yin and yang. While Western medicine has generally disregarded or scoffed at such notions, the numerous benefits of acupuncture, magnetic field and other subtle energy therapies have been increasingly verified and accepted. The energy emanating from chi gong masters
has been show to exert the same influence on AT synthesis as a magnetic field, and the ability of certain healers to produce voltage surges of 100 volts and more in
recipients several feet away has also been convincingly demonstrated in scientific studies.

Nordenström now suggests that the forces flowing in BCEC’s may be thought of as chi, with positive and negative charges that are comparable to yin and yang.
He offers other analogies with ancient Oriental concepts of how the chi in Nature
can affect human healt, performance, and possibly aging. Life span varies greatly in
animals, plants, and even different tissues in humans, and it is believed that the life of
a cell is genetically predetermined by limiting the number of times it can divide and
reproduce itself. This process of programmed cell death, called apoptosis, is specific for
each cell. Nordenström suggests that bioelectromagnetic forces can influence either
regression (apoptosis) or proliferation (regrowth and survival) by explaining  how a
tree preserves its life during the cold winter by altering metabolic activities to
sacrifice its leaves in the fall. In the spring, apoptotic regression is replaced by
proliferative regeneration, when energy preserved in the tree is activated by heat to
again produce the same kind of leaf. He shows in one Kirlian photograph how even a leaf
that is “dead”, still ha  energy in the form of a surrounding corona or
halo. This repetitive cycle of death and rebirth constantly takes place in other systems,
and in the Chinese view of Nature, are interrelated to provide balance, as in the Sheng
and Ke cycles of ongoing regeneration and destruction for the five elements and
their associated organs, which is also illustrated.
It is important to recognize that theories don’t have to be correct, only facts do.
Some theories are valuable because of their heuristic merit, in that they stimulate others
to discover new facts that eventally lead to improved theories. And the facts are
that Nordenström’s cancer therapy protocol does work. Whether it will be eventually shown
that it does so for reasons other than he proposes remains to be determined. Under
any circumstances, this stimulating book provides a glimpse into what 21st Century
medicine may be like, and the awesome potential for selfhealing that resides in each of
Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Editor Björn E.W. Nordenström

Extract of Publications on Functional and Structural Expressions in Biology and Medicine
which Depend on Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) and Their Network of
Integrated Mechanisms

(Numbers refer to the complete List of Publications)

100. Nordenström BEW: Electric
potential fluctuations in the liver. IRCS 2:1666 (1974).

102. Nordenström BEW:
Electrocoagulation of small lung tumors. In Current concepts in radiology.
Potchen EJ
(ed). Mosby, St. Louis 3:331-347 (1977).

108. Nordenström BEW: Preliminary
clinical trials of electrophoretic ionization in the treatment of malignant tumors. IRCS
6:537 (1978).

116. Nordenström BEW:
Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC): Clinical experimental and theoretical
evidence for an additional circulatory system. Nordic Medical Publications. Stockholm

117 Nordenström BEW: Biologically
closed electric circuits: Activation of vascular interstitial closed electric circuits for
treatment of inoperable cancers. J Bioelectricity 3:137-153 (1984).

120. Nordenström BEW:
Electrochemical treatment of cancer. Ann Radiol 28:128 129 (1985).

121. Nordenström BEW: Biokinetic
impact on structure and imaging of the lung: The concept of biologically closed electric
circuits. AJR 145:447-467 (1985).

122. Nordenström BEW: Direct
current treatment of lung cancer. In Neoplasie del torace. Veronesi U, Pezzuoli
G, Ravasi O, Santoro O (eds). Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, pp 219-226

123. Nordenström BEW: An additional
circulatory system: Vascular-interstitial closed electric circuits (VICC). J Biol Phys 15:43-55

125. Nordenström BEW: An
electrophysiological view of acupuncture. Role of capacitative and closed circuit currents
and their clinical effects in the treatment of cancer and chronic pain. Am J Acupuncture
17:105-117 (1989).

126. Nordenström BEW: Akupunktur
und geschlossene biologische Stromkreise. Akupunktur – Theorie und Praxis 17:90-97 (1989).

127. Nordenström BEW:
Electrochemical treatment of cancer by activation of vascular-interstitial channels. In
New radiologic imaging and intervention in general surgery. Ussia G, Bassi F, Feirucci JT (eds). Masson,
Milano, pp 143 159 (1989)

128. Nordenström BEW:
Vascular-interstitial-neuromuscular activation: Differences in femoral and sciatic nerves
in the rat. J Bioelectrieity 8:109-117 (1989).

129. Nordenström BEW:
Electrochemical cancer treatment. In Interventional radiology. Dondelinger RF,
Rossi P, Kurdziel JC, Wallace S (eds). Thieme, Stuttgart, pp 498-504 (1990).

130. Nordenström BEW:
Electrochemical treatment of cancer. 1. Variable response to anodic and cathodic fields.
Am J Clin
Oncol (CCT) 12:530-536 (1989).

131. Nordenström BEW, Eksborg S,
Beving H: Electrochemical treatment of cancer. 11. Effect of electrophoretic influence on
Adriamycin. Am J. Clin Oncol (CCT) 13:75-78 (1990).

132. Eksborg S, Nordenström BEW,
Beving H: Electrochemical treatment of cancer. Ill. Plasma pharmacokinetics of Adriamycin
after intraneoplastic administration. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT) 13:164-166 (1990).

133. Beving H, Eksborg S,
Nordenström BEW: Electrochemical treatment of cancer. IV. Leukocyte and platelet counts
in peripheral blood after electrochemical treatment of solitary lung neoplasms. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT)
13:167-170 (1990).

134. Nordenström BEW: Vesicles,
basement membranes and the endothelial fibrin film as possible products of biological
electrode reactions. In Electropharmaco logy. Eckert Gil, Gutmann F, Keyzer H
(eds). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 189 203 (1990)

135. Nordenström BEW: I.
Neurovascular activation requires conduction through vessels. Physiol Chem Phys & Med
NMR 21:249-256 (1989)

136. Nordenström BEW, Larsson H:
I1. Slow and rapid electrical pulses in the caval vein at pain-evoked leg contraction in
the rat. Physiol Chem Phys & Med NMR 21 257-264 (1989).

137. Nordenström BEW: Ill. The
action potential; An effect of fuel cell reactions in the synapse. Physiol Chem Phys 8 Med
NMR 21:265-278 (1989).

138. Nordenström BEW, Kinn AC,
Elbarouni J: Electric modification of kidney function. The excretion of
radiographic contrast media and Adriamycin. Invest Radiol 26:157-161(1991).

139. Azavedo A, Nordenström BEW,
Svane C: Radiological evidence of response toelectrochemical treatment of breast cancer. Clin Radiol
43:84-87 (1991).

140. Kinn AC, Nordenström BEW,
Elbarouni 3, Nilsson 1: Effects of direct current on renal function. Urol Res 19:397-400

143. Nordenström BEW: Link between
external electromagnetic field and biological matter. Intern J Environmental
Studies 41:233-250 (1992).

144. Nordenström BEW: IV.
Electrical pulses appear in the inferior vena cava and abdominal aorta at contraction of
leg muscles. Physiol Chem Phys & Med NMR 24:147-152 (1992).

145.Nordenström BEW,
Larsson H, Lindqvist M: V. Potential differences in the inferior vena cava and between
cava and extravascular electrode at leg contraction in man. Physiol Chem Phys & Med
NMR 24:153-158 (1992).

146. Nordenström BEW: Rand
movements above the unshielded tail of a shielded rat induce differences of voltage inside
the animal. Amer J Acupuncture 20:157-163 (1992).

147. Nordenström BEW: Impact of
biologically closed electric circuits (BCEC) on  structure and function. Integrative Physiological and
Behavioral Science 27:285 303, (1992).

148. Nordenström BEW, Ipavec S,
Alfas S: Interferences of electromagnetic field with biological matter. Intern J Environmental
Studies 42:157-167, (1992).

149. Nordenström BEW: Vl. Synaptic
fuel cell reactions in vascular-interstitial neuromuscular (VINM) closed circuits. Theory
of neuromuscular activation. Electro- and Magnetobiology 12:99-115 (1993).

150. Nordenström BEW. Näslund I. Nordenström J. Wersäll P (eds):
Proceedings of the IABC International Association for Biologically Closed Electric
Circuits (BCEC) in Medicine and Biology. Scandinavian University Press. Suppl 574. (1994).

151. Nordenström BEW: Principle of
electrostatic voltage impact on ionic membrane pumps leading to partial dissolution of
metastases, followed by total regression after chemotherapy. Internal Medicine 2:79-91, (1994)

152. The paradigm of biologically
closed electric circuits (BCEC). Internal Medicine (in press).

153. Nordenström BEW: Exploring
BCEC-systems (Biologically Closed Electric Circuits). Nordic Medical Publications. Stockholm.